As I was falling asleep last night I had a strange thought. I was thinking about soul mates. I was thinking of the concept of soul mates. Now don't get me wrong, I love my husband dearly and I wouldn't have it any other way. This was just all random thoughts after watching tv last night before bed.
The definition of a soul mate according to wikipedia is:
A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, friendship, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, or compatibility and trust.
Now, how do we know that there is 1 person for us in the whole world? The possibilities are endless. What if our one true soul mate was born in a different era than us? Are we destined to be forever alone? How can 1 person be perfect in all aspects of a soul mate? Is that even possible? How do you find your one true soul mate? How do you know you've found them?
There are way too many questions and uncertainties surrounding the idea of soul mates. The person who you are completely romantic, intimate, sexual and compatible with may not be the person you have the strongest friendship, the similarity, or the spirituality. I think we have friends who are our soul mates, our spouses are as well. I think we have more than one. I honestly do. I think there is a sense of familiarity we associate with and surround ourselves with. Maybe you've met someone in your life who has the same thoughts, same feelings and same experiences as you have. Do that mean you are destined to be with this person for the rest of your life? Maybe, are you destined to have a romantic relationship with this person for the rest of your life? Maybe, but chances are not. Sometimes we are completely compatible with someone in one area and not in another. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. Maybe when we go through a tough heart break its the fact that part of their soul and yours were together and fit perfectly. Doesnt mean that the break up was a bad thing necessarily. Some people are toxic together, you need some differences, you need opposition, you need a challenge to grow as a person.
I think I have a close friend who is my soul mate. My husband is also most definitely my soul mate. I also believe that a friend I had a long time ago was my soul mate. And that's okay. You can't choose your soul mate, you can't decide if someone should be or not. Sometimes you find them with just eye contact and other times it takes you by surprise, just sitting there one day and you realize they are the real deal. Maybe your'e thinking of your friends right now and thinking about which ones would fit in a category of soul mate. Maybe you're thinking you don't have one. Or you have too many. There is no set numbers there are no rules with this sort of thing. Matters of the heart and soul dont need rules to follow. They typically dont even make sense to many.
What about you? What are your thoughts on soul mates? Do you think people have only one? Have you met yours? Do you have more than one? I would LOVE feedback on this.
Happy Monday!
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