
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tell me something good!

Tell me something good Tuesday.

That's the Tuesday theme for one of my favorite radio stations.

So I'll start by telling you something good from my Tuesday and I would LOVE to hear back from you what your good news today is. It can be anything! I would love to hear it. We need more positive in the world!

My new house is fantastic! All my fur babies love it so much! They are all relaxed, and just lay in the field for hours just watching the world go by. My deaf kitten even fell asleep sitting up in the front yard yesterday he was enjoying himself so much. This makes me so happy that everyone is finally happy, there's enough room for us all and we all make very good use of the space. The country life is better suited for my little family.

Also something else really positive. There's a city I grew up in called Welland. It's not too big and not too small. There are some people who love it and some people who hate it. However, lately there has been either a group or an individual who is posting up pink hearts all around the city. Noone is quite sure of the message or meaning but I personally like the idea of it meaning to spread the love.
The Welland Tribune is looking for the person just to talk to them and find out the motive and what it all means. I personally think this person or group should carry on mysteriously and keep spreading the joy and love. The signs are small and not bothering anyone. There have been no complaints about them since they are just pink hearts and I strongly support it! I think it should expand into the surrounding cities and towns until all of Ontario is covered in love!

What do you think about these hearts popping up all over? Voice your thoughts on them and their meanings at #WellandHearts

Let's hear your good news!

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